"Ring, ring, ring!" rang the hometime bell at Rockingdale School. "Okay class, wind up your books, it's hometime," announced Miss Asma. There was a clatter of books as students of grade 9 prepared to leave. I was exiting the main hall when someone called from behind, "Ahmed, Wait up!" It was Ali, my best friend. He came up to me and proposed "let's meet up at 4 pm in Central Park. We'll play some football and have fun." "Okay, I'll be there" I promised. "See you later then. Bye!" Ali waved.
It was nearly 1:45 pm when I reached home. The temperature was very humid and the heat was scorching. I hit the shower and changed my clothes. "Ahmed! Come quickly and eat dinner, it's getting cold" my Mother called from the dining room. Everyone including my uncle, a retired army soldier who was visiting us from Lahore, was waiting for me to start dinner.
"I am taking a nap right now, but I have to wake up at 3:30 because I promised to meet Ali at Central Park at four," I said with my mouth full. "Don't talk while eating, It's bad manners" my father glared at me. "Ok, I'll wake you up as I have to go shopping. I'll drop you then continue on my way" Uncle said. "That's fine by me," I replied.
"Ahmed, wake up! It's 3:30 pm," it was Uncle. "Let me sleep, I don't want to go, I am tired" I mumbled drowsily. "No, you made a promise and now you have to keep it," Uncle said sternly. I realized that he was right and woke up rubbing my eyes and yawning. I dressed quickly and washed my face. "Let's go, Uncle, I'm ready," I said. "Okay, let me load my revolver," he said. "Why do you need a revolver Uncle? There is no danger for miles around" I asked. "You can never be too careful" he replied.
"Okay, so this is the park. Where is Ali?" Uncle asked. "Inside probably" I replied. "Fine, I'll drop you inside with Ali, then leave," Uncle said. We went inside the park, scanning for Ali. There was no sign of him or anyone else for that matter. We sat on a nearby bench and waited. After a couple of minutes, there was still no clue of Ali. I drummed my foot on the ground impatiently. "Why was he so late?" I asked myself.
We heard a car starting up in the distance. Suddenly there was a muffled scream. Uncle leaped to his feet and started running in the direction of the scream. I followed him. We saw Ali struggling in the hands of a man who was entirely dressed in black. There was another man on the driving seat with the same attire. My Uncle headed towards them, whipping out his revolver simultaneously.
"Freeze, or I shoot" my uncle shouted in a commanding tone. The man ignored uncle and threw Ali in the back of the car. He jumped in the seat next to the driver. The car started to move away, my uncle aimed at the vehicle and squeezed off a couple of shots. There were two loud bangs as the tires burst and the car skidded to a halt. The men leaped out and started fleeing in the opposite direction. During all of this, I had stood on one spot helplessly, watching the events unfold before my very eyes.
Uncle sprinted to the car and pulled Ali out. He was still conscious and looked terrified. Uncle reassured him that he was safe and the kidnappers had fled. He helped Ali over to where I stood.
There was no sign of the kidnappers so we assumed that they had gone for good. "Thank goodness you kept your revolver Uncle or there is...." my words were cut short as a shot rang out.
Ali screamed and lurched to the ground, spraying blood on the pavement. Uncle whipped around, drawing his revolver. There was one of the kidnappers standing on the other side of the park, a gun in his hand. Uncle popped off a couple of more shots and struck the man in his thigh and shoulder. He stumbled to the ground heavily, muttering obscenities. Ali groaned in pain, his trousers now soaked red.
"Call the Police and Ambulance, Ahmed" Uncle said handing me his phone. He dropped to Ali and examined the wound. "Thank god, it is only a flesh injury, painful but not fatal," he said with relief. He applied pressure on the wound and stopped the flow of the blood. Ambulances arrived in 2 minutes, followed by the Police.
Ali was taken to the hospital, his family was also notified. The Police hurried over to the kidnapper to take him in custody. He had been unconscious but was coming around. My Uncle and I narrated the proceedings to the Inspector in charge who noted them down. We were thanked for our bravery, while in reality, only my uncle deserved it, as I had done nothing. Ali was discharged the same day with only a scar on his thigh to relate the events.
Then it struck me that if I had not kept my promise, Ali would have been kidnapped, his parents paying a huge ransom to release him. From that day on, I never broke a promise however small or unimportant it seemed.
It was nearly 1:45 pm when I reached home. The temperature was very humid and the heat was scorching. I hit the shower and changed my clothes. "Ahmed! Come quickly and eat dinner, it's getting cold" my Mother called from the dining room. Everyone including my uncle, a retired army soldier who was visiting us from Lahore, was waiting for me to start dinner.
"I am taking a nap right now, but I have to wake up at 3:30 because I promised to meet Ali at Central Park at four," I said with my mouth full. "Don't talk while eating, It's bad manners" my father glared at me. "Ok, I'll wake you up as I have to go shopping. I'll drop you then continue on my way" Uncle said. "That's fine by me," I replied.
"Ahmed, wake up! It's 3:30 pm," it was Uncle. "Let me sleep, I don't want to go, I am tired" I mumbled drowsily. "No, you made a promise and now you have to keep it," Uncle said sternly. I realized that he was right and woke up rubbing my eyes and yawning. I dressed quickly and washed my face. "Let's go, Uncle, I'm ready," I said. "Okay, let me load my revolver," he said. "Why do you need a revolver Uncle? There is no danger for miles around" I asked. "You can never be too careful" he replied.
"Okay, so this is the park. Where is Ali?" Uncle asked. "Inside probably" I replied. "Fine, I'll drop you inside with Ali, then leave," Uncle said. We went inside the park, scanning for Ali. There was no sign of him or anyone else for that matter. We sat on a nearby bench and waited. After a couple of minutes, there was still no clue of Ali. I drummed my foot on the ground impatiently. "Why was he so late?" I asked myself.
We heard a car starting up in the distance. Suddenly there was a muffled scream. Uncle leaped to his feet and started running in the direction of the scream. I followed him. We saw Ali struggling in the hands of a man who was entirely dressed in black. There was another man on the driving seat with the same attire. My Uncle headed towards them, whipping out his revolver simultaneously.
"Freeze, or I shoot" my uncle shouted in a commanding tone. The man ignored uncle and threw Ali in the back of the car. He jumped in the seat next to the driver. The car started to move away, my uncle aimed at the vehicle and squeezed off a couple of shots. There were two loud bangs as the tires burst and the car skidded to a halt. The men leaped out and started fleeing in the opposite direction. During all of this, I had stood on one spot helplessly, watching the events unfold before my very eyes.
Uncle sprinted to the car and pulled Ali out. He was still conscious and looked terrified. Uncle reassured him that he was safe and the kidnappers had fled. He helped Ali over to where I stood.
There was no sign of the kidnappers so we assumed that they had gone for good. "Thank goodness you kept your revolver Uncle or there is...." my words were cut short as a shot rang out.
Ali screamed and lurched to the ground, spraying blood on the pavement. Uncle whipped around, drawing his revolver. There was one of the kidnappers standing on the other side of the park, a gun in his hand. Uncle popped off a couple of more shots and struck the man in his thigh and shoulder. He stumbled to the ground heavily, muttering obscenities. Ali groaned in pain, his trousers now soaked red.
"Call the Police and Ambulance, Ahmed" Uncle said handing me his phone. He dropped to Ali and examined the wound. "Thank god, it is only a flesh injury, painful but not fatal," he said with relief. He applied pressure on the wound and stopped the flow of the blood. Ambulances arrived in 2 minutes, followed by the Police.
Ali was taken to the hospital, his family was also notified. The Police hurried over to the kidnapper to take him in custody. He had been unconscious but was coming around. My Uncle and I narrated the proceedings to the Inspector in charge who noted them down. We were thanked for our bravery, while in reality, only my uncle deserved it, as I had done nothing. Ali was discharged the same day with only a scar on his thigh to relate the events.
Then it struck me that if I had not kept my promise, Ali would have been kidnapped, his parents paying a huge ransom to release him. From that day on, I never broke a promise however small or unimportant it seemed.