Saturday, 24 October 2020

Aisha's Haunted Days

Chapter 5

"Izma," she read. The doll opened his eyes. it had only one eye.

"ugh, where on earth did this come from." said Ali.

"It might belong to mom or dad, or maybe even grandma." replied Aisha. "Want to use it for the decorations?"
"Sure! Who woulden't?"

They found some other decorations and came out.

"Lets check if dad knows who this belongs to!" Said Ali.


"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaadddd!!!!!" Said both Aisha and Ali at the same time.

"What?" said their dad.

"Dad we found this doll in the store room, we want to know who it belongs to!" said Aisha.

"And its really old and spooky! If we could we would love to use it for decorating the tree house!" Joined in Ali.

"Okay, take me to it." said their dad

They literally dragged their dad to the living room where they had put the decorations.......but the doll wasn't there any more! 

"Well?" said their dad.

"Uh, Blackie (Blackie was Aisha and Ali's cat) must have ran off with it, it'll turn up." said Ali

their dad shrugged his shoulders and went into the kitchen.


  1. make more chapters its great!!!!!!!

  2. why do you take so much time making the ckapters just write one chapter every day I always wait for it but you dont write it

    1. oh! i some times dont get my computer and other times i for get :(
